职介破事儿 第一季的剧情介绍,
The daily troubles of everyone who works at the job centre.
The Job Lot is set in a busy West Midlands Job Centre and focuses on the relationships between the people that work there and the people that don't work there, or anywhere else for that matter... It's work, or the lack of it, that brings the characters together, and their relationships, or lack of them, around which the series revolves. The Job Lot tells the story of neurotic ...
#一天看完的剧#慵懒的主题曲和不过头的笑点还有讨喜的设定让它更像一道夏季冰品,客串的都很好玩,唐家屯的Daisy你太有喜剧天赋了,Miranda的Stevie老了好多,从小妹变大妈了,从Being Human走出来的男主太!可!爱!Angela你是姐请受我一拜!虽然第二季目测没机会了,还是希望ITV仁慈点。
哈哈 蛤蛤