◎导演◎ 宁瀛 Ying Ning
◎编剧◎ 宁岱 Dai Ning
◎主演◎ 王景春 Jingchun Wang / 陈维涵 Weihan Chen / 孙亮 Liang Sun / 侯岩松 Yansong Hou / 袁利坚 Lijian Yuan / 白波 Bo Bai
警察日记的剧情介绍,内蒙古鄂尔多斯市准格尔旗公安局长郝万忠英年早逝后,以新华社记者沿着他的人生足迹采访其亲人、同事、工作对象的过程中再现出了一个见不得百姓受苦、嫉恶如仇、在工作干为上尽职尽责,充满了情怀的公安局长形象。 <br /> 郝万忠(王景春 饰)在十七年的从警生涯中,留下了六十八本工作日记。从他做刑警接触的第一桩重大命案——至今未破的悬案,到临终前的全局工作计划,详细记载了他每天的工作安排、案情分析、人生感悟,以及对那桩悬案的多次重新梳理和研究。正是这些平凡的点点滴滴让我们看到了一名基层公安局长的艰辛、不舍和追求;还有一名标准警察所具有的职业基因。
The film is inspired by the story of Hao Wanzhong, a policeman in Ordos, Inner Mongolia. Following his career, through the inner workings of a modern Chinese police department in Inner Mongolia. While rising through the ranks Hao Wanzhong successfully solves difficult cases. His story carries us through vicious murders, corruption, and social unrest, against a backdrop of majestic winter landscapes, opulent cities and the raw industrial districts of this remote region of China. Hao's obsession with detective work leads to his meteoric rise from beat cop to district police chief, however his maniacal dedication comes at a cost, a cost to his family and ultimately leads to his death.