胜利之光 第二季的剧情介绍,根据热门电影改编的连续剧"胜利之光",讲述了在德克萨斯州Dillon小镇举行的全美最高级别橄榄球联赛。背负着全镇的期望和荣誉,Dillon镇的明星高中球队开始了新赛季的征途。与此同时,该队的新任主教练Eric Taylor和队中的明星四分卫都感到了前所未有的压力。 <br /> 球队的新成员还包括:队长兼明星四分卫Jason StreetScott;实力雄厚的跑卫-外号"粉碎机"的Brian Williams,跑卫Tim Riggins;Taylor的贤内助Tami,三线四分卫Matt Saracen,啦啦队队长Lyla Garrity,同时也是street的恋人。
Heading into the second season of the series, an entire 8 months has passed since the previous football season ended, summer is coming to a close, and a new football season has begun. While the characters seem to have stayed the same, feelings and relationships have changed. There is a new football coach of the Panthers, and as always, new issues to be dealt with.