In a town on the French Riviera, detective Yvonne is the young widow of police chief Santi, a local hero. When she realizes her husband was not exactly the model of virtue so idolized by their young son, and that an innocent young man, Antoine, has spent 8 years in prison as Santi's scapegoat, she is thrown into turmoil. Yvonne wants to do everything she can to help this very charming Antoine get back to his life and his wife . Everything that is, except telling the truth. But Antoine is having trouble adjusting to life on the other side, to say the least, and soon blows a fuse leading to a spectacular sequence of events.
疯狂却优美,暴力但诗意。全程笑点。罚能消罪。法式浪漫——想象你会在我身旁。BE A FIGHTER。身与心的自由~。是你的自由,也是我的。荒诞现实看出了情绪疗愈的效果。太好看了。荒诞黑色,浪漫不羁,这部法式幽默喜剧有点意思。
回家的路走了三次这一段很戳,那份对爱人的期盼 等了那么久终于听到他的脚步声 终于可以重新闻到他身上的气味 终于能够再次抚摸到他的发丝 那一份冷静的欣喜若狂 真是很幸福的时刻。
啃的生肉.觉得还可以.Il était fou, il était beau. 这看似矛盾的话语跳接到[夜以继日]里的河流很脏但很美.这种模棱两可的审美和话语从侯麦系列之后值得引起注意. 不过本片还是以几次破门来进行调和戏剧色彩了.竟然也笑不出来.感情线太鸡肋.😹 哈内尔荧幕魅力爆棚哈哈
7.5/10 玩的很hea.....大銀幕再次看到愛美麗!!