黄飞鸿之三:狮王争霸的剧情介绍,晚清末年,大清帝国摇摇欲倒。面对外敌来袭,慈禧太后鼓励民间习武抗敌。李鸿章为了逢迎太后,举办起一年一届的“狮王争霸”大赛。“狮王争霸”其实就是各们各派舞起狮子头,以武力争夺锦标。 <br /> “狮王争霸”的消息一传出,各大门派纷纷摩拳擦掌,暗中招兵买马。一时,京城门派冲突四起。黄飞鸿(李连杰 饰)上书李鸿章欲取消“狮王争霸”,无奈李鸿章没有理会。无奈之下,黄飞鸿只好亲自参加“狮王争霸”,阻止各门派的自相残杀。 <br /> “狮王争霸”终于开锣了!这天校场上尘土飞扬,各门派自造的形象各异、杀伤力极强的“狮子头”粉墨登场。黄飞鸿亲自率领鬼脚七等徒弟也赶到了……
Wong Fei-Hung and sidekick Chung arrive in Peking just as the Empress announces a Lion Dance martial arts contest. Also accompanying him is cousin Yee, his young, Westernized aunt-by-adoption, to whom Wong is secretly betrothed. Wong faces a possible romantic rival in a Russian diplomat, Tumanovsky, whom Aunt Yee knew back in school, and a martial arts rival in the brutal Club Foot, who beats up Wong's father. Club Foot works for the slimy Leung Fun, who is determined to win the prestigious Lion Dance contest at any cost. However, by the time the spectacular Lion Dance contest occurs many things will change.