Artificial Intelligence has permeated every aspect of planetary life in 2030. Tokyoites experience AI in every aspect of their lives whether medical, finance, transportation or their personal and day-to-day interactions. Many would tell you that AI is indispensable. Yet, as is often the case with technology jumping the gun on ethics and rules AI spins out of control and causes calamity after calamity. The city and the country are in chaos.
大泽隆夫松岛菜菜子见证“人工智能崩溃”,《AI崩壊》用犯罪悬疑包装近未来科幻,重新思辨人生哲学(非影评)。AI崩坏-完美大烂片侮辱观众智商。AI崩坏。人工智能能给人类带来幸福吗。人类畏惧的并不是人工智能的“智慧”本身,而是畏惧没有人性的智慧。AI的未来需要指引和思考。A1崩坏。整个过程就是在看日本漫画。全能程序员如何拯救日本。。It depends on you。