魔王的剧情介绍,这位来自巴尔的摩电影导演唐·多赫勒(Don Dohler)的低预算特征,以一种灵魂进入墓地,让一具尸体重新焕发活力,成为朗费罗先生。为了让他活着,他需要用手掐住他牧师的喉咙,把生命的能量吸收出来。他搬到了马里兰州的郊区,在那里,他的邻居开始怀疑朗费罗先生的一些事情。
This low budget feature from Baltimore filmmaker Don Dohler opens with a spirit entering into a gravesite and reanimating a corpse back to life as Mr. Longfellow. In order for him to stay alive, he needs to absorb the life energies out of the living by wrapping his hands around his victoms' throats. He moves to the suburbs of Maryland where his nosey neighbor begins to suspect something aint right with Mr. Longfellow.