卡拉的剧情介绍,在一座高精尖的工作站内,一部有着女性面孔的机器人正在组装过程中。这是从画面外传来一个男人的声音,问机器人是否听得到他的声音。机器人如实作答,她是第三代AX400机器人,可以帮助主人完成各种家务,她掌握多达300种语言,且完全不用充电,其内置的量子电池可使用173年。男人为她取名卡拉,并请她分别用德语和法语介绍了自己,还请她用日语唱了一首《樱花》。她期待自己正式完成的那一刻,期待和主人相拥相守的珍贵瞬间,但是她似乎想得太多了…… <br /> 本片根据Playstation 3游戏演算而生。
Quantic Dream released a short film following a character called Kara. The five-minute film is called Kara. She's a female android brought to life on an assembly line, and as her body is put together piece by piece she's asked to speak in English, German and French and sing in Japanese. After expressing emotion she's marked as defective and being to be disassembled, but before being permanently shut down she begs for her life. Her beating blue robotic heart tells how nervous she is, and the man assembling Kara allows her to continue off the manufacturing line
Nogizaka46 - Ushinaitakunai Kara (Blu-ray) [720p] [2012.02.22].mp4