Michael, a soldier in the Austrian military, has been on border duty at the Austrian-Hungarian border for seven weeks now. Isolated from his family and friends and stuck in an uber-masculine environment, Michael develops homosexual feelings for his comrade Raphael. Being bullied is part of his daily routine. Jürgen, the alpha male in the group, has found the perfect victim in Michael. During taking a shower Jürgen bullies Michael once more but this time something is different, Michael bring about Jürgen's downfall both literally and figuratively. The game is on and Jürgen uses his most powerful weapon - his knowledge about Michael's secret. Jürgen punches Michael on the back of his head causing him an injury. Korcak, their group commander, suspects that there is more behind Michael's injury than he Michael is willing to tell but can't help him if he does not tell the truth. A couple of hours later, Michael and Raphael smoke a joint together at the border to celebrate their last night. Being intoxicated, Raphael opens up about his emotions which seems to be the perfect situation for Michael to open up as well and so he takes a chance and wants to kiss Raphael, who, being irritated, pushes Michael away with the words "I'am not gay Michel!". His only hope just died and a downwards spiral begins where Michael's only solution seems to be suicide. It's Raphael who now has to prevent this from happening.
契诃夫之枪, bang bang。电影最后的一段的OST。最深的恐惧,是害怕自己。
主题沉重但不沉闷,直弯的暧昧点到即收。 以有限片长传达三层意义的恐同:来自同侪战友;来自家庭环境;以及来自内心自我。不但赋予抽象概念以淋漓血肉,而且放大了观众的感同身受。导演的技巧比08年“隔壁的男孩”更加纯熟了...
5分。节奏拖拉。镜头灯光太暗降低了表演带来的感染力。内容从直白的恐同者到不自觉的恐同者深化还是不错 可是撑不起20分钟。结尾曲漂亮 暗藏的电子音效再强些就好了。