希区柯克剧场 第一季的剧情介绍,世界电影大师阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克自导的悬念故事集,每个小故事都或多或少包含了恐怖,悬疑,超自然等元素,每集开始都是由导演本人拉开序幕,等到故事完毕,又由导演本人闭幕总结。记得小时候曾经在电视里看过,每个故事都很精彩,看完之后令人拍案叫绝。
Diana Winthrop and her mother arrive in Paris, where a World Exposition is taking place. Mrs. Winthrop had started to feel very tired during the journey, so after they check into their hotel, Diana calls for a doctor. After examining Mrs. Winthrop, the doctor sends Diana in his carriage to his own home, where his wife prepares a medication. A number of things seem odd to Diana, but things become much more worrisome when she returns to the hotel. The desk clerk does not remember her, her signature has disappeared from the hotel register, someone else is occupying her room, and her mother has completely disappeared.
希区柯克的悬念和幽默。男人哭吧哭吧不是罪。古怪想法。希区柯克《无影无踪》:偷龙转凤的房间(影视评论)。成为希区柯克(轻微剧透)。Who Dune It?。大脑髓。目前看到第十集。Guity Witness。麦格芬14:不行善,有时候真的会有人代替月亮来消灭你。