关于我妈的一切的剧情介绍,妈妈季佩珍(徐帆 饰)是这个家的灵魂所在,她像有分身术一样能照顾到每一个人。在她的面面俱到之下,这个家看上去井然有序,然而事实并非如此。在妈妈季佩珍眼里女儿李小美(张婧仪 饰)永远都是最优秀的,却不知在北京工作生活的她还有另一面。女儿对妈妈的掌控有多抵触,季佩珍更是不了解。医生丈夫李文舫(许亚军 饰)因几年前的一次失误,至今还无法拿起手术刀。婆婆患有阿尔兹海默症,生活都无法自理……就在身为教师的季佩珍刚刚退休,似乎能松一口气多拥有些自己的时间,却被查出了恶性肿瘤四期。如果妈妈只剩下四个月的生命,这家人的生活又该如何继续下去呢?
Peizhen Ji, the mother of Xiaomei Li, was the center of the entire family, who took care of everybody. Their seemingly perfect life was not what it looks like. Xiaomei Li worked in Beijing with problems of her own, tired of mom trying to control her life. Wenfang, Li, Peizhen's husband was a doctor who had to work in the emergency room, unable to continue his career of a surgeon due a malpractice case. Her mother-in-law suffered from severe Alzheimer's disease and was dependent on Peizhen's care for daily activities. Finally Penzhen retired from her teacher's job, however she was diagnosed with late stage cancer, with only four months to live..
求求不要再廉价地消费观众的感情了。女性题材的电影,我们需要怎样的女性形象与男性形象?。白白浪费两小时。不要让父母成为我们最熟悉的陌生人。平凡却了不起的女人,而且刚好是我妈!。时光慢些吧 我还想爱她。在泪眼中散场,在和妈妈的拥抱中继续生活与爱。看预告是毁了原片的即视感。四颗星给感情的渲泄。关于这部影评我想说的几点。