The Divine Didi, a European actress known more for her bubble bath scenes than for her acting, decides she has had enough with bubble baths and wants to be taken seriously as an actress. So much so that she runs away during the middle of a scene while filming in Hollywood and winds up in Oregon. While she is staying in a hotel, the operator accidentally connects her with a real estate agent named Tom Meade. She asks Tom to bring her some food and when he does he suggests that she go to his cabin in the woods. She also asks him not to tell anyone where she is because she doesn't want to go back to Hollywood. Now Tom must keep the secret, especially from his wife and from his suspicious housekeeper Millie.
一个不想继续被“泡泡浴”剥削的电影女星逃离好莱坞的故事,结果在电影里还是半数时间沾满泡泡,既可认为是好莱坞的自嘲,也可认为是其厚颜无耻。鲍勃霍普老了,但功力还在,冷面笑匠玩文字游戏确实盏鬼。女主表现也不错,尤其有些肢体喜剧看着还挺危险,而且不知是不是这个原因导致拍摄期间女主经历了流产。P.S. Didi逃出片场那段的配乐有点像《柳媚花娇》姐妹花刚出场那首配乐,时间线上还早一点,是都吸收了法国香颂的...