A strange encounter with a wild wolf at the edge of Ania's cold, mundane town sets off a deep-seated passion within her, shattering the drudgery of her dull days. Determined to hunt the untamed creature, she finds herself pulled to the natural world as a fearless lust for the wolf grows, eliciting a desire for her own sexuality and a disregard for social graces, repulsing yet attracting everyone around her. As the balance between the natural world and modern civilization begins to tip, so too do Ania's inhibitions, forcing her to question the glaring hypocrisies closing in on her.
口味重到我还能够继续看下去。我不再是从前的我 - 国际时尚品牌宣传长片。How wild is wild? 多狂野才是狂野。这才是真正的引狼入室。
On her way home from her uninspiring office job, Ania catches sight of an untamed wolf on the outskirts of the city. For a brief moment they lock eyes and the wolf’s gaze instantly changes Ania’s life. The young woman who seemed to have accepted the insignificance of her own existence is overwhelmed by a sensual longing for this wolf. She becomes obsessed with the wild and beau...
野性的呼唤 Saskia酱油
真·谜之编导·Nicolette Krebitz
难懂 野性的呼唤