In this blend of the B movie classic The Blob (1958), and some Romero's zombies film, a meteorite collides in a small town. Grant finds it, and is infected by a parasite worm, which installs in his brain and causes him a creepy transformation into a monster. Starla, his wife, and Bill, a policeman, will try to stop him and the plague of worms generated by the creature.
二流片子里的一流智慧__《Slither 撕裂人》。这不仅仅是一部恐怖片。撕裂人的问题。恶心,只要恶心就有足够的说服力。我被恶心到了。一次被拒绝的交欢事件。撕裂的爱。其实虽然恶心,但是还是挺有感觉的。。一场伟大的胜利。我的天~我还有这片子的珍藏版.....T^T。