偶然运气的剧情介绍,影片是关于两个有着电影梦想的年轻人,关于宝莱坞的梦。 索娜 (康柯娜·森·沙尔玛饰)带着成为电影明星的梦想来到孟买。维克拉姆(法尔汗·阿克塔尔)离开了在德里舒适的父母家搬到了这个城市。他年轻和英俊和充满希望。索娜与维克拉姆开始了一段浪漫之旅。 罗里(瑞施·卡普尔)是位成功的超级明星的制片人,他只为那些大明星做事。他正在要把一位70年代超级影星内娜(迪姆帕尔·卡帕迪亚)的18岁的女儿妮吉 胡拉娜(伊莎·沙尔瓦尼),塑造成他的重磅炸弹。电影中的英雄,扎发尔·可汗(赫瑞提克·罗山),是罗里最喜爱的明星。他出演的罗里的影片票房不断攀升。 命运的轮子向着维克拉姆转动,他终于获得机会在罗米·罗里的新片中担任角色。影片是关于宝莱坞影城的生活...... 影片还邀请到了宝莱坞最著名的影星出演他们自己,以表现影片反映的宝莱坞电影产业的状况
Refusing the accept the same fate as her sisters, Tara and Meghna, and get married to a boy from the same Caste, Kanpur-based Sona Mishra alienates herself from her accountant father, and re-locates to Mumbai in order to act in movies. She meets with Satish Chaudhary who offers to assist her in getting a lead role. Years later, all he could manage was bit parts, leaving her frustrated but hopeful. She meets with another struggling actor, Vikram Jaisingh, and both become fairly intimate. When a lead role with Satish does not materialize, and his wife, Pinky, becomes suspicious, she decides to depart. Disappointment and shock also await Vikram when he is candidly told by his friend, Abhimanyu Gupta, that he has no talent and must consider returning back in Delhi to assist his businessman father. It does look like the end of the road for both Sona and Vikram - leaving the question open whether they will continue with their relationship &/or return to their respective homes.