In the near future, heavy industrial robot vechiles, or Labors, have become widely used throughout the world for their versatility and power. Unfortunately, those same qualities have also made them popular for criminals. To deal with this new problem, the police have organized special patrol labor units to be a counter force. In Tokyo Japan, the Special Vehicle Units serve in this function with Unit 1 or SV1 having a fine reputation for their professionalism and skill. However, the focus of this series, SV2, has its own rep for being clumsy and causing a great deal of collateral damage in their albeit effective methods. In this series, the adventures of this unit are featured as they go about their jobs and keep the peace in their own eccentric way.
《机动警察》:是金子总会发光——路人主角泉野明。第29话 外卖事故引发的政治隐喻思考。十年,…×2,南柯一梦——《机动警察Patlabor》全接触。《机动警察》——一首温暖人心的凡人歌。对我来说初中时期每天下午六点整的动画片TV观赏回忆太温馨了。怀念儿时的动漫,怀念被遗忘在角落的《机动警察》。已经满足不了现在的我了。