天地逃生的剧情介绍,在不远的未来,技术天才肯•卡斯特(Michael C. Hall 饰)发明了将指令细胞植入人脑的纳米技术,以此为基础,卡斯特开发了两款真人在线操控游戏——“社会”和“凶手”,其中“凶手”是将死刑犯们置入残酷的杀戮战场,由线下的玩家指挥他们作战。卡贝尔(Gerard Butler 饰)是凶手游戏中的一名常胜战士,目前已经从27场比赛中存活,而按照规则,只要他再胜利三次,就可以重获自由。 <br /> 一个反抗组织在暗中策划推翻富可敌国的卡斯特,他们找到卡贝尔在游戏中的线下配合者——少年西蒙(Gerard Butler 饰),并希望他放弃对卡贝尔的操控,因为后者即将面临卡斯特的阴谋暗算。此时的卡贝尔,成为了推翻卡斯特的关键力量……
Ken Castle is extremely rich, popular and powerful since he invented and started exploiting the virtual online parallel reality games, in which people can either pay as user or be paid as 'actor' in a system of mind-control. The ultimate version, Slayers, fields death row convicts as gladiators in a desperate dim bid for survival, which no-one made yet. The champion, John 'Kable' Tillman, was scheduled to die just before he'ld gain release, but he persuades his teenage 'handler' to hand over the reins so he can fully use his talents and experience. Thus Kable escapes to freedom, only to be chased illegally by Castle's men, yet fights back all the way to his HQ and challenges his evil hidden plans.
原本可以更好看的电影。一个疯子,一个傀儡,一个宅男,一个妓女和一个非主流老女人。这其实是一部乍一看不觉得好的好电影。浪費了好題材。电影里的游戏是否有存在的必要?。继续火爆着。疯狂的冷漠。一部纯猛片。給浪費了好題材。Game is NOT over.。
杰拉德巴特勒就长了一张动作片的脸 刮了胡子看起来就很滑稽
cool very cool quirky very quirky style very style. and u, MC.Hall so damn talented! oh man u definitely owned all films u r in! EPIC WIN!