逗爱熊仁镇的剧情介绍,电影讲述了同在一间银行ATM部门中工作的何必(朱亚文饰)与蒙小鲜(张榕容饰),由于公司禁止办公室恋情,正秘密的谈着地下恋爱。与此同时300公里以外的熊仁镇一个ATM机出现故障,取一倍的钱吐两倍的现金,造成银行财产损失。于是蒙小鲜和何必约定,谁先找到被多取得钱谁就可以留在银行,另一个必须辞职。于是一场争钱斗爱的游戏在小镇迅速展开。 <br />
Meng Xiaoxian and Hebi were blissfully albeit secretly conducting a love affair while working as colleagues at the Yanhuang Bank when out of the blue, a newly issued workplace policy forbade co-workers from dating. If discovered, they both stand to lose their jobs, unless one of them bites the bullet and quits. With their relationship in jeopardy, the two must weigh their love against the stability of their high paying jobs. Meanwhile, an ATM located 300 kms away in Beartown suddenly breaks down, the lovers make a bet to see who deserves to keep the high paying job by saving more losses for the bank.
漫画式电影 到底能给观看带来什么新体验。欢迎来到熊仁镇,这里大熊席地而坐。种草朱亚文。酸甜苦辣是生命的富有,赤橙黄绿是人生的斑斓。国产爱情喜剧电影走入死胡同,恶俗、浮夸成最大弊病。下班后放空大脑笑一笑。公司禁止员工谈恋爱怎么办?没有什么能打败办公室爱情。办公室恋情,能有结果?《逗爱熊仁镇》教你一招搞定。零宣传,却豆瓣评分超过屡上热搜的《小小的愿望》,它凭什么?。办公室恋情何去何从,朱亚文张榕容《逗爱熊仁镇》。