我爱的生活的剧情介绍,本片可以看做“菲律宾版《喜宴》”,Noel和Mark一对身处纽约的菲律宾情侣,两人平淡而幸福的生活却因为Mark母亲的一次拜访而扰乱,而且这次 “拜访”看似要长期居住让两人很苦恼,并非母亲不知儿子是同志而是不满意这位未曾见面的“儿媳”,Noel很想讨“岳母”的欢心却得到了百般刁难~在相处的过程中两人发现了只要真诚相待就会互相理解和宽容,快乐时光总是短暂的其实Noel一直有病在身并且复发,Noel虽然战胜了病魔但最终也无法阻止死神的到来,Noel和Mark母亲的感情在冲突中彼此增进,最后两人放开一切摒弃前嫌走向了新的生活,这是一部平淡的电影但并不是一部乏味的电影,有欢笑有感动而且会带给我们很多思考。请静静的欣赏本片吧。BY---OACFAN
Shirley Templo (Vilma Santos-Recto) is a ruthless woman. Many people deal with her strong attitude only for fear of her cold stare, or her outlash. She works as a librarian in a school, and lives in a compound that is owned by her ex-husband, Benito Salvacion (Tirso Cruz III). Many of the Salvacion family members that live near the compound, even including her eldest daughter, Dang (Dimples Romana), plead with her to sell it so they can make a profit, and she can move to a more suitable living area.