谢谢你温暖我的剧情介绍,风华正茂的林拓(林一 饰)与安知雀(李兰迪 饰)相识于大三暑假实习期的一次招聘会,两人一见钟情,彼此加深了解后确定了恋情。毕业季来临,二人携手从象牙塔走向社会,一起兼职、应聘、规划未来。虽然人生之路开展得并不顺利,但在彼此的鼓励下逐步走上正轨。当一切看似顺风顺水时,林拓被确诊为肌萎缩侧索硬化,就是俗称的渐冻症。渐冻症终止了林拓看似平凡却充满希望的人生,生命虽然缩短,但林拓在家人、恋人、朋友、同事们温暖和爱的陪伴下,从试图放弃到与绝症共存,最终勇敢地向病魔发出挑战。林拓身边的人和病友们也受到他的鼓舞,重新审视对待生命的态度,学会珍惜当下,决定努力无悔、充满希望地过好每一天。
When Lin Tuo (Lin Yi) and An Zhi Que (Landy Li) decided, during their junior year, to attend a summer internship recruiting event, they had no idea they would be changing their lives forever. Meeting at the event, the two fall almost instantly in love. Ready to create a bright future together, Lin Tuo and Zhi Que are sidelined when Lin Tuo is diagnosed with ALS. With the support and encouragement of Zhi Que, his family, and friends, Lin Tuo puts up a brave fight against this progressive neurodegenerative disease. As he does so, he inspires others to cherish life and live with no regrets.