戏杀的剧情介绍,不靠谱神探“满天飞”(贾冰 饰)PK嫌疑人天团(喻恩泰、蒋梦婕、刘桦、于洋、李倩、牛信信、冯鑫垚等饰)! <br /> 倾国倾城的一代名伶被暗枪杀害!头七之夜,私家侦探满天飞和众位嫌疑人被劫持在一家戏院。号称“疯子”的神秘花脸带手下将他们团团围住,强迫满探长必须在 四小时内查明真凶,否则,就将现场所有人杀死,祭献美人亡魂! <br /> 倒计时开始!人人都有秘密,人人都在演戏,神仙斗法,密室寻凶!谜底中藏着谜底,反转后再度反转,爆笑中引发惊悚,一层层谎言,将真相逐渐揭开……
A famous actress were killed by a secret gun. On the night of the first seventh day, private detective Man and suspects were kidnapped in a theater. The mysterious masked killer, known as the \"madman,\" surrounded them with his subordinates and forced detective Man to find out the true culprit within four hours. Otherwise, everyone on the scene would be killed and the souls of the beautiful women would be sacrificed. Countdown starts. Everyone had secrets, everyone was acting, fighting against gods and immortals, searching for criminals in secret rooms. There was a hidden answer in the answer, which was reversed and then reversed again, causing a thrilling burst of laughter and layers of lies, gradually uncovering the truth.