烂滚夫斗烂滚妻的剧情介绍,风水玄学大师车震(杜汶泽 饰)自幼好色,如今沉溺于烂滚,与好友导演王晶卫(邹凯光 饰)、医生陈十三(彭浩翔 饰)两人气味相投,结伴于欢场不知疲倦。车震忙中出错,与两名女子约会在同一时间的同一饭店,只得楼上楼下串场掩饰,虽然最终被识破,却在此中结识了和他同样脚踏多只船的女兽医周志玲(周秀娜 饰)。不久,因车震房事事故,二人再度相见,周志玲自感对车震产生感觉,但又不确定能否与同样烂滚的车震相处,在姐妹的建议下,周志玲向车震提出交往,但条件是三个月内对方不得做爱且不可出轨,车震欣然应战。然而他除了要应付周志玲姐妹们的轮番引诱,还要面对昔日女神何嘉欣(童菲 饰)的出现以及富家子利兆楷(刘浩龙 饰)对周志玲的追求……
Chinese Feng Shui master, Carson was a real ladies' man, he had never been in a stable relationship. Carson was a "Natural Born Player", taking names and breaking hearts. Fate had it that he would meet his match, the hot veterinarian, Chi-Ling. It was love at first sight, but neither could stand the other's fickle nature lest the affair might have ended as soon as it began. So Chi-Ling invite Carson to move in with her and make him promise to have no sexual contact with any girls for 100 days.