奥兹国历险记的剧情介绍,一场龙卷风将少女桃乐茜(Liz Georges 配音)和她的小狗托托(弗兰克·维尔克 Frank Welker 配音)一起带到了一个神秘的魔法国度之中。在这里,桃乐茜遇见了外表威武雄壮内心却胆小如鼠的狮子(查尔斯·阿德勒 Charles Adler 配音)、拥有冰冷外表和空洞内心的铁皮人(Hal Rayle 配音)以及生性善良却总是缺乏自信的稻草人(David Lodge 配音),一行人为了寻找各自丢失的东西而结伴前进。 <br /> 他们所要面对的,是贪婪而又邪恶的女巫(崔丝·麦妮利 Tress MacNeille 饰),她也正是当初那场龙卷风的始作俑者。在冒险的旅途中,桃乐茜和朋友们生死与共,结下了深厚的友谊,并且最终获得了成长,实现了梦想。
Dorothy is called back to Oz by her ruby slippers to once again help her friends. The Wicked Witch of the West has taken over Emerald City by keeping the Wizard away from the West Wind that follows him. Dorothy and her friends go on many adventures through Oz searching for the ever moving Wizard, who is only safe as long as he stays in his balloon. With lots of references and music from the original movie, its sure to bring on feelings of nostalgia.
89年夏 外面在动荡 我也要准时收看一集!~