布莱泽奥特曼 大电影 大怪兽东京决战的剧情介绍,怪兽在一个工业园里大量出现! <br /> 弦人队长率领特怪对分队迎击怪兽,但它们还是接二连三地冒出来。 <br /> 发生怪兽灾害的工业园或许和专门处理怪兽残骸的企业内克洛马斯之间存在某种特殊的关系,特怪对分队立马找到了内克洛马斯的CEO真伏博士。 <br /> 内克洛马斯的研究所现在正在研究的东西叫做“达姆多可辛”,这种东西触及到了生命的根源,可以实现生物的长生不死,研发马上就要完成了。 <br /> 就在这时,自称宇宙霸主的达姆诺星人突然出现在众人面前。“达姆多可辛”的储藏柜也同时遭到破坏,这东西将研究所里的怪兽样本全部吸收,变成了恐怖的怪兽“妖骸魔兽 贡基尔刚”。 <br /> 现在,以日本的首都为舞台,布莱泽奥特曼和特怪对分队与怪兽之间的壮烈决战正式拉开帷幕!
A wave of kaiju emerges from an industrial area in Tokyo, prompting Captain Gento and the Special Kaiju Reaction Detachment (SKaRD) to engage in the relentless battle. Yet despite their efforts, the endless kaiju attack continues. Suspecting a link to Necromass Co., an advanced chemical company that researches kaiju carcasses and owns factories in the industrial area where the monsters came from, SKaRD rushes to the company's CEO and renowned chemist, Dr. Mabuse. At Necromass Co.'s research facility, Dr. Mabuse explains the development of the damudoxin, a substance on the brink of achieving immortality. Meanwhile, Alien Damuno, who claims themselves as the \"ruler of the universe\" appears. Chaos ensues when damudoxin leaks from the destroyed tanks, consuming samples of kaiju carcasses and giving rise to the giant Gongilgan, the Demonic Carcass. Set in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, Ultraman Blazar and SKaRD clash in a showdown against the giant kaiju!.
這劇場版被罵純純活該。父与子。一点对于电影想要传达的主题的思考。前三十分钟发力 后三十分钟便秘 还有十二分钟的总集篇。布莱泽奥特曼。评价。评价。很好看。