疑犯追踪 第二季的剧情介绍,
Reese is feeling at a loss with Finch having been kidnapped by Root aka Caroline Turing, the woman who the machine had identified as a person of interest, but who had set the machine up so that she could find Finch. Reese however does discover that Finch had set the machine up to use him as the contingency if anything were ever to happen to him, although it takes some deciphering on Reese's part to discover how the machine communicates the numbers. Reese hopes that the next number will be for Finch as the next person of interest. That's why Reese is disappointed when he learns that the next number belongs to Leon Tao, an accountant who stole $8 million from gangsters, an arm of the Aryan Nation. With Fusco's assistance, Reese tries to protect himself and Leon while getting Carter to do some legwork on Alicia Corwin's death, which is the primary lead they have on Root and Finch. They are unaware that there are other factions working against them, those faction who are hiding aspects of what happened to Alicia. Reese ends up having to do a little negotiating with the machine for its help. Meanwhile, Root slowly divulges to Finch what her plans for kidnapping him are and to what lengths she'll go to get what she wants.
家族事业:总得有人做这个。当浪漫成为一种生活态度(S02系列评论)。第二十一集。【2012.09.28回归/12.14半季终】The Light in Darkness。I. Can't. Hear. You. Can. You. Repeat. It. Again.。1984的壳,JJ的坑,小诺兰的狼子野心。。疑犯追踪 极客的几点看法。“宅”心仁厚。到头来,谁还一个人?。关于那两个人。
该剧由来自《迷失》的制片人组合J.J. Abrams和Bryan Burk打造。 第二季的故事紧接着第一季,在Finch(迈克尔·爱默生 Michael Emerson 饰)被神秘的Root小姐绑架以后,“西装男”John Reese(詹姆斯·卡维泽 James Caviezel 饰)只得求助于他在纽约警局凶杀科的侦探朋友们Carter(塔拉吉·P·汉森 Taraji P. Henson 饰)以及Fusco(凯文·查普曼 Kevin Chapman 饰)的帮助,经过缜密调查,终于将Finch救出,却被Root逃脱。看似恢复如初的生活,其实暗藏危机。除了,一心想要把Finch的程序公开化的Root以外,他们还要找出HR真正的幕后黑手。另一方面,联邦调查局和中央情报局都在不遗余力地想要找出John。只要机器存在一天,这个城市仿佛从来不让他们休息........
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