机动战士高达00 剧场版:先驱者的觉醒的剧情介绍,
The year is 2314, two years after Setsuna F. Seiei defeated the Innovator Ribbons Almark. The world is starting to move toward peace, and other people around the world are beginning to Innovate. However, an abandoned probe which went on an expedition to Jupiter 130 years ago suddenly returns to Earth, though there appears to not carry any sign of life aboard. Soon after, Earth becomes the target of dangerous aliens called the Extraterrestrial Living-metal Shapeshifters (ELS), who have the ability to assimilate Earth's technology. Celestial Being returns to combat the alien invasion with humanity's fate hanging in the balance.
Peace cannot be kept by force,it can only be achieved by understanding。看了剧场版的结尾,才看懂了OO。《机动战士OO剧场版:论互相理解的重要性》。其實只要看開頭的小電影就行了。我整个人都互相理解了! 顺便谈谈法芙娜。进化。理解万岁。你们真的看懂了吗?。不适合现在看。说这部剧差的同学们你们都太年轻!!!。
【故事简介】 利翁兹·奥马克与天人的战斗以真正的改革者刹那·F·清英等人的胜利拉上了帷幕。独立治安维和部队A-Laws解体,世界终于走向了和平。这样过了两年,西历2314年,表面上消失了的天人为了防止战争发生仍然在暗处活动着,这时,新的战争打响了信号。再次集结起来的高达驾驶员们乘坐着新式高达,开始了战斗! 【STAFF】 企画:sunrise 原作:矢立肇、富野由悠季 脚本:黑田洋介 人设原案:高河弓 动画人设:千叶道德 机体设定: 海老川兼武、柳濑敬之、福地仁、鹫尾直广、寺冈贤司、中谷诚一、大河原邦男 动画机体设定: 中谷诚一 美术设定:须江信人(KUSANAGI) 美术监督:若松荣司(KUSANAGI) 色彩设计:手岛明美(Wish) 音响监督:三间雅文 摄影监督:葛山刚士(旭Production) 旁白:古谷彻 制作人:池谷浩臣(sunrise...
= = 无语到懒得吐槽了。。。。。。。