发布时间:2024-07-29 来源:本站编辑
圣斗士/Knights of the Zodiac/Saint Seiya/圣斗士星矢

◎导演◎ 旗野義文/横山和夫/森下孝三

◎编剧◎ 菅良幸 Yoshiyuki Suga/小山高生 Takao Koyama/山崎忠昭

◎主演◎ 古谷彻 Tôru Furuya / 铃置洋孝 Hirotaka Suzuoki / 桥本晃一 / 堀川亮 Ryô Horikawa / 掘秀行

圣斗士星矢的剧情介绍,在久远的神话时代,天空的宙斯、海中的波塞冬、冥界的哈迪斯无一不在觊觎人类赖以生存的大地。为了保护弱小的人们,爱好和平的女神雅典娜站出来,与邪恶的神道展开连番战争。与此同时,人类中一些骁勇善战、正义善良的少年围绕在女神身边和她并肩作战。他们一掌可以劈开天空,一脚能够踩裂大地,这群不用武器、完全凭借赤手空拳战斗的少年被称作“女神的圣斗士”。从神话时代开始,雅典娜和她的圣斗士们就与邪神展开无数次的圣战。时间到了现代,星矢、紫龙、冰河、瞬、一辉等五个青铜圣斗士在战争中不断成长起来,他们打败了阴谋篡位的教皇、意欲淹没大地的海神波塞冬,对抗企图带来永久黑暗的冥王哈迪斯。为了大地和人类,雅典娜和圣斗士们一次次挺身而出…… 本片根据日本漫画家车田正美同名原著改编。©豆瓣

Seiya is an orphan child that was sent to the Sanctuary of Athena in Greece, where he underwent training to become one of the Saints of Athena. Years later, after gaining possession of the Pegasus Cloth, a mythical armor protected by said constellation, he returns to Japan and meets up with Saori Kido. Kido is the granddaughter of the late Mitsumasa Kido, the man that sent Seiya to Greece, separating him from his sister Seika. Seiya intends to find his sister who disappeared the day he left, but Saori makes a deal with him: if he competes in the Galaxian Wars and wins, she'll help him find Seika. The Galaxian Wars is a tournament organized by the Kido Fundation, in which the Bronze Saints, all of them orphans like Seiya that were sent to different parts of the world to train and earn their cloths, must fight each other, the prize being the Sagittarius Gold Cloth. Seiya agrees to participate just to be able to find his sister. However, the tournament is interrupted and the Sagittarius Cloth gets stolen. Seiya must then team up with Cignus Hyoga, Dragon Shiryu and Andromeda Shun, to recover it and prevent its power from being used for evil. From then on, the Bronze Saints will unite their efforts as they discover their true mission: protect the goddess Athena, who reincarnates to guard the Earth from the rage of other Olympian gods that try to take over it and destroy human race.




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