红牡丹赌徒:赌场列传的剧情介绍,明治中期,日本四国德岛。正在修行途中的绯牡丹阿龙(藤純子 饰)来到此地,迎接两年前因伤害罪入狱的组员清吉(高宮敬二 饰)。清吉身染重病,出狱后不久便离开人世。当地黑帮德政一家的头目江口幸平(待田京介 饰)出资将其安葬,阿龙则在丧期内暂居这里,和佃户们一同劳作。 <br /> 这一时期,地租不断攀升,农户们不堪重负,甚至卖儿卖女。江口作为代表前去与地主们谈判,然谈判不欢而散。夏收祭即将举行,食不果腹的农户决定藏起作物以示抗议。他们的做法令地主们颇感棘手,也间接触及了靠赌博为生的黑帮的利益。德政一家现任头领与帮派对头观音寺组旗下的鸣门川一家结义,联合向江口施压。双方角力互搏,冲突逐渐升级,阿龙最终也不可避免地卷入其中……
After collecting her sickly follower from jail, Oryu is taken in by a fishing village. Feeling indebed to their generosity, she stays to work for the village and promises to leave her yakuza ways behind. When a dispute breaks out for the gambling rights to a local festival, the villagers are harrassed by a gang of thugs. When the harrassment turns violent, Oryu must decide wither to keep her promise or protect the villagers.