去唱卡拉OK吧!的剧情介绍,由于某种原因想要变得擅长唱歌的黑社会成员成田狂儿(绫野刚 饰)邀请担任合唱部部长的中学生冈聪实去卡拉OK指导他唱歌。聪实虽然讨厌狂儿,但还是进行了歌唱指导,在这过程中两人产生了奇妙的友情。合唱部部长冈聪实由试镜选拔而出的斋藤润饰演。
Nothing worries Satomi Oka more than the upcoming final choir competition of his middle school career-right up until he is accosted by a stranger from the shadows who demands, \"Let's go karaoke!\" As a yakuza, Kyouji Narita doesn't scare easily, but a terrifying prospect has driven him to seek Satomi's help. The boss is holding a karaoke contest, with the loser forced to get a tattoo to be selected and torturously applied by the boss himself. Oka has been to many vocal rehearsals over the years, but never one-on-one karaoke sessions with a gangster!.
记一些和原作不一样的点~日记式长篇大论~。年少时不能遇见太惊艳的人。完美的漫改 完美的狂儿。(短评不够写)。和爱丽丝师妹拉片lesson one(part A)。黑道大哥X 初三学生:一起唱k啊!。命运的齿轮吱悠悠地瞎转。无法界定的感情。自己看的记录。(附资源)完全靠绫野刚的表演魅力撑起来的电影。