伪恋 第二季的剧情介绍,该片讲述秋季之后的故事,从原作漫画第7集的剧情接续下去。除了小野寺小咲的妹妹小野寺春、小野寺春的好友小风和从美国飞来的宝拉·马可伊之外,其他还有千棘的母亲桐崎华等个性鲜明的新人物也将陆续登场。
Acknowledging her feelings for Raku, Chitoge contemplates on how they will progress as fake lovers from now on. Raku's locket is returned but not completely repaired, preventing them from unlocking it, which in turn, the identity of the girl Raku made a promise will be revealed with Chitoge later ruminating of the possibility being not the promised girl. In hopes to get Raku's attention, Chitoge makes constant refurbishes to her appearance to which Raku constantly fails to notice. However, Raku reveals that he is aware of Chitoge's attempts but refuses to make a remark about it out of embarrassment.