'Jackass 3D' opens with the entire cast all lined up, each wearing a different color of the rainbow, in front of a rainbow colored background, each in turn being attacked in various ways. Some of the footage is slowed down for maximal effect. This is repeated again at the end of the movie with additional explosions mixed in with gallons of water to wash away the cast- chaos is resumed. Throughout the movie the team are subjected to the usual foray of physical abuse from team members or perform hilarious stunts (including some of the more stomach turning stunts such as the Sweat suit cocktail, Toy Train Eruption and Poo Cocktail Supreme - not for the weak stomached!).
低级趣味也是一门艺术。JACKASS们!可别变老啊!。很合我笑点。The Best of Times is Now。蛋疼的美国。。jackass 3d同款T恤!。jackass 蠢蛋搞怪秀 太阳镜 正品销售 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17607688431。Jackass 3D。我会去!。Soooo Gross!!。
看电影前吃了一份干炒牛河,看的时候还吃巧克力,看到大便喷发的时候 我的胃里反上来一阵子河粉混巧克力的味道 好爽,。
jackass们做的事儿就像他们在电影里说的那样pee in the wind,胡闹,没意义,傻乐,不拿自己当回事儿,也不拿别人当回事儿,有时候看着有点《猜火车》那种感觉,不选择,不去过认真严肃的生活。PS,steve-o你真是没有下限啊。