星际传奇的剧情介绍,在浩瀚的宇宙间,一艘名为猎人号的商用飞船正进行着漫长的旅程。船上搭载着40位乘客,其中包括重刑罪犯理查·雷迪克(Vin Diesel 饰)。当行驶到丹吉尔星系时,突如其来的事故令飞船遭受重创,空气飞速泄漏,最终迫降到一颗炎热而荒凉的星球上。着陆时的巨大冲击力几乎让飞船支离破碎,死伤者众多。幸存者们来到这片陌生的国土,严酷的自然环境考验着每一个人,不同民族不同职业的他们此时必须捐弃前嫌,联合起来。他们不仅要与天空中三个太阳作抗争,还要时刻提防隐藏在黑暗中的危险…… <br /> 本片荣获2001年澳大利亚摄影师协会年度最佳摄影师和金三角架奖。
The space transport vessel "Hunter-Gratzner" carrying 40 people on-board crashes on a desert planet when the ship is struck in a meteor storm. There are only 11 survivors, among them are pilot Carolyn Fry (Who has assumed command after the ship's captain is killed), bounty hunter William J. Johns, religious man Abu Al-Walid, Antiques dealer Paris P. Ogilvie, runaway teenager Jack, settlers John 'Zeke' Ezekiel and his lover Sharon 'Shazza' Montgomery, and Richard B. Riddick, a dangerous escaped convict. Marooned, the survivors discover the barren and hot desert-scape has sunlight from three suns. Not only must they find food and water and worry about Riddick, the survivors find themselves being hunted by the planet's flesh-eating alien inhabitants when the planet is engulfed in darkness, which happens every 22 years, as they emerge from underground to hunt and eat all signs of life. Fry and the survivors find Riddick is their best chance of survival, as Riddick has surgically-enhanced eyes that allow him to see in the dark as they set out to find a way of escaping from the planet and getting to a escape shuttle, before they all get eaten by the creatures on the surface.