圣诞故事的剧情介绍,四十年代,9岁的孩子拉尔夫认为圣诞节最完美的礼物就是一把Red Ryder BB gun,但是所有的人都认为这是非常危险的礼物,甚至不惜与老师,父母甚至圣诞老人对立。 <br /> 本片最有意思的是描写了一个孩子丰富的世界,很多地方让人不禁捧腹,又想到我们小时候。拉尔夫的独白是一位成年男子的声音,同样也有意思。
Christmas is approaching and 9 year-old Ralphie wants only one thing: a Red Ryder Range 200 Shot BB gun. When he mentions it at the dinner table, his mother's immediate reaction is that he'll put his eye out. He then decides on a perfect theme for his teacher but her reaction is like his. He fantasizes about what it would be like to be Red Ryder and catch the bad guys. When the big day arrives he gets lots of present under the tree including a lovely gift from his aunt that his mother just adores. But what about the BB gun?
让我猜猜 你在想什么?。一部充满节日气氛的美好电影。圣诞故事。圣诞节。80年代的男童版《阳光小美女》。我和老妹美好的一个下午。儿童也适合观看。
A.Christmas.Story.1983.BluRay.720p.x264-CtrlHD [PublicHD]
曾入榜imdb top250的经典圣诞题材儿童喜剧合家欢影片。片中表现男孩心声的旁白使用的是成年人的声音,生动形象的表述和巨大的年龄反差使这种特殊吐槽给人以深刻印象。尽管我们并不十分了解西方的圣诞情结,影片对“中国”也开过有意无意的玩笑,但依旧能让人感受到那种家庭特有的温馨,并不时回想起我们自己童年时的各种心境。
爱幻想的小孩儿~~ 一年前根本无法想象我会喜欢这种电影...
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超级忙碌/充实的圣诞以这部电影收尾!中国人唱的圣诞歌和圣诞烧鹅太可爱了,good night and merry christmas!
--did you get everything you wanted?--well,almost.--almost?well,that's life.