暗杀名单的剧情介绍,走在大街上熙熙攘攘的人群中,艾伦(科尔·豪瑟 Cole Hauser 饰)无法掩饰自己的失意与沮丧,除了为老板勤勤恳恳的工作了9年却还是一个一文不值的小小员工外,妻子不忠的事实也深深的刺痛了艾伦的心。为了纾解郁闷的心情,艾伦来到了一间小酒吧,没想到这一举动却将他卷入了一件奇怪而又危险的事情中去。 <br /> 在酒吧里,艾伦遇见了一个名叫乔纳森(小库珀·古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr. 饰)的奇怪男人,乔纳森自称是一名杀手,但艾伦不以为然。乔纳森告诉艾伦,他可以免费为他杀掉五个人,并请艾伦列出一份暗杀名单。以为这是一个恶作剧的艾伦给出了名单,没想到一夜过去,名单上的人居然真的接连死去。为了保护名单上剩下的人,艾伦开始了和杀手的斗智斗勇。
In Spokane, an elite government killer goes rogue on the day that engineer Allen Campbell loses a promotion and finds his best man with his wife. Allen goes drinking that night and chats up a stranger who turns out to be Jonas, the hit man. Jonas asks Allen to give him a list of five people he'd like to see dead, so a drunk Allen lists his boss, the guy who got the promotion, a nasty bookie, the best man, and his wife. By the next morning, the boss is dead, and Allen realizes Jonas is for real. Can he stop Jonas?
If it was a joke, would it be funny?。Don't Push Me。。警察~你还记得大洋彼岸的城管吗~。战胜心魔。结尾的真相。很好的片子,。每个人心里都有一个心魔。当倒霉蛋遇到发飙的职业杀手。真不知道到底想表达什么就这么结束了。。扳机就像快进键,我只是直接让他们跳进了结局。。