Julie and Jason have been best friends for years with no romantic interest in each other. He sleeps with someone new every few days, and she's looking for Mr. Right. Now in their thirties, they notice that their friends seem to lose all their good qualities when they have children - child rearing and the spark of Eros don't seem to co-exist. So, they decide to have a child together, share in child rearing, but pursue their own romantic lives. Things go well until he meets Mary Jane and she meets Kurt. Both seem like perfect mates. What could go wrong?
如果你看过Med men, IT群英,24小时,SNL。。。那你就会发现这片子里熟人实在是太多了!
配角都很棒 但主演真的很浪费设定
私心给五星,尽管是个伪命题但也讨论了不走寻常路是否就能克服婚姻的乏味。但鱼和熊掌不可兼得,无论选谁,终将错付。结尾那句I wanna fuck the shit out of u来代替一句love很痛快!