第一滴血2的剧情介绍,神勇的蓝波(西尔维斯特•史泰龙 Sylvester Stallone 饰)又回来了!这次,蓝波奉命返回越南调查失踪的美军是否已成为战俘。然而,蓝波甫一登陆越南,所有装备和武器都丢失了!随身剩下的,只有一把军刀和一套军用弓箭。 <br /> 身处逆境的蓝波,偶然发现了出卖他的正是自己的部队!蓝波在九死一生之际,得到了当地一名越南少女的帮助。在少女的帮助下,蓝波凭借其高超的求生技能和坚强的意志,克服了一切困难,终于逃出生天。 <br /> 蓝波决定向出卖他的人重拳出击!
John Rambo is removed from prison by his former superior, Colonel Samuel Troutman, for a top-secret operation to bring back POW's still held in Vietnam. Rambo's assignment is to only take pictures of where the POWs are being held, but Rambo wants to get the POWs out of Vietnam. Teamed up with female Vietnamese freedom fighter Co Bao, Rambo embarks on a mission to rescue the POWs, who are being held by sadistic Vietnamese Captain Vinh and his Russian comrade, Lieutenant Colonel Padovsky. Rambo starts killing every enemy in sight while still focusing on his intentions to rescue the POWs. There are also corrupt American officials involved in the mission, including Marshall Murdock, one of Rambo's superiors.