It's 1955. Frank and April Wheeler, in the seventh year of their marriage, have fallen into a life that appears to most as being perfect. They live in the Connecticut suburbs with two young children. Frank commutes to New York City where he works in an office job while April stays at home as a housewife. But they're not happy. April has forgone her dream of becoming an actress, and Frank hates his job - one where he places little effort - although he has never figured out what his passion in life is. One day, April suggests that they move to Paris - a city where Frank visited during the war and loved, but where April has never been - as a means to rejuvenate their life. April's plan: she would be the breadwinner, getting a lucrative secretarial job for one of the major international organizations, while Frank would have free time to find himself and whatever his passion. Initially skeptical, Frank ultimately agrees to April's plan. When circumstances change around the Wheelers, April decides she will do whatever she has to to get herself out of her unhappy existence.
交流的无用性----《革命之路》。没有拿到奥斯卡最佳影片的<revolutionary road>。路之尽头。目击众神死亡的草原上野花一片。这是我们最大的幸运。生活在别处。其实你不懂TA的心。永远不存在喜剧色彩的后青春期的诗。生活的真相是羊肉卷。Jack是死是活都是一个悲剧。
[Electro-Torrent.pl] Revolutionary.Road.2008.PL.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-GR4PE
看到谁给了一句评论:“婚姻的后来由女人的一厢情愿和男人的充耳不闻组成”,大概就是我自己的理解了,婚姻的革命能否胜利,就看你怎么去承受与忍让。但要记住: everyday is another day !
在选角上暗示是对于泰坦尼克号的一种暗讽 结尾很能够看出耶茨的调调 美国中产阶级生活空虚的表象 是由一群“不同”的人们看穿的 珊农演的疯子 自始至终维持观点上的统一 而如果用理性的观点来看待迪卡普里奥和凯特温斯雷的计划 风险自不必提 甚至可分析出凯特悲剧的一系列心因 另一面想 却完全可以理解