◎导演◎ 刘镇伟
◎编剧◎ 刘镇伟
◎主演◎ 周星驰 Stephen Chow / 莫文蔚 Karen Mok / 梁家仁 Ka-Yan Leung / 黄一飞 Yut Fei Wong / 李力持 Lik-Chi Lee / 卢雄 Paul Lo / 张莽 Bruce Mang / 谭淑梅 Suk-mui Tam / 黄智贤 Chi-yin Wong / 周志辉 Chi-Fai Chow / 侯焕玲 Woon Ling Hau
回魂夜的剧情介绍,一场阴差阳错的谋杀案,牵连了一栋大厦里多个无辜的人。 <br /> 失恋女(莫文蔚饰)在七月半被男友抛弃,于是把自己关在房里,不断往楼下扔东西发泄。两个心怀鬼胎的保安也在此时酝酿打劫大厦的计划。一对夫妇突然间不见了儿子,遂请求保安队长(李力持饰)帮忙。队长进入二人家中却发现了另一桩与死去老妇有关的凶案。而此时失恋女发现了站在楼道口对着一盆花说话的神秘黑衣人(周星驰饰)。队长发现了夫妇谋杀老母亲的事实,遂被追杀。而此时老母亲的鬼魂前来索命终被黑衣人制服。而夫妇也最终被黑衣人制服后坠楼身亡。含恨的厉鬼就要来索命,牵连该事件的若干人无奈之下只有与神秘的黑衣人合作......
Tenant Mr. Li of an apartment high-rise is weary of the return of his late mother's ghost. When she appears in the apartment, she haunts Li and his wife, who she blames for her death. Caught in the commotion is a crazy girl named Kwan and the apartment building's inept security guards. They are repulsed by all the paranormal activity; therefore, they seek the unlikely help of an escaped mental patient, Leon, a Professional-type wannabe who just happened to be passing by the apartment high-rise when all the ghostly events were taking place.
向着花开的方向。划时代的影片,想象力与黑色幽默的极致。周星驰还会抓鬼!?恐怖喜剧《回魂夜》背后的不甘与吐槽。回魂夜,愈恐怖愈搞笑。《大话》后的小反击,我不入地狱谁入地狱。有心且搞笑的低成本作品。真真假假 虚虚实实。哪位行行好 把我杀了吧。。。。还有谁可以相信?。喜欢。