◎导演◎ 吴宇森 John Woo
◎编剧◎ 梁柏坚 Patrick Leung/吴宇森 John Woo/秦小珍 Janet Chun
◎主演◎ 梁朝伟 Tony Leung Chiu Wai / 张学友 Jacky Cheung / 李子雄 Waise Lee / 任达华 Simon Yam / 甄楚倩 Yolinda Yan / 袁洁莹 Fennie Yuen / 鲍起静 Hee Ching Paw / 吴宇森 John Woo
喋血街头的剧情介绍,细荣(李子雄饰)、阿B(梁朝伟饰),辉仔(张学友饰)在石殎尾陡置区一同成长,三人情同手足,虽然各人家境贫困,年轻的心从没有失去对将来的幻想与憧憬。阿B因要与女友小珍(袁洁莹饰)结婚,众人各出奇谋为阿B筹钱。辉仔借来高利贷途中被劫,辉仔负伤往婚礼。及后,阿B与辉仔往复仇而误杀废强,细荣众人遂到越南逃亡。其时西贡市长外弛内张,对众人来说便是炼狱,更遇上越共刺杀越南政要,细荣遂决定要拼死捞一笔钱才离开越南。细荣远亲中、法混血儿阿乐(任达华饰)是职业杀手,阿乐得悉越南恶霸梁源盛在夜总会有黄金交易,遂与一众里应外合,激战后把黄金抢走,阿B为拯救一位香港女歌星陈秀青而险丧命…… <br /> 吴宇森巅峰时期的野心力作,对情与义的探讨有其深邃之处,动作场面火爆亮眼。是港片不可多得的佳作。
In 1967, on the way to the wedding of a friend a young man is accosted by a local gang member. Later, the three friends administer justice, in the process of which the gang member is killed, so they leave Hong Kong to avoid the police and the gang. They run black market supplies to Saigon and get embroiled in the war, being arrested as Viet Cong, then later captured by the Viet Cong, and find that their friendship is tested to the limits as they try to escape.
一部不应该被遗忘的“口琴曲”《喋血街头》。复杂的男性情谊。被坑坏了的阿荣哥。属于昨天的英雄。令我怀念年少的时光。所谓兄弟。高歌猛进 80年代的悲情 《喋血街头》。年轻的人们哪,你们一无所有却那么欢乐~~。背叛是不变的主题。这是一部如今才看得懂的电影。