大红灯笼高高挂的剧情介绍,大学刚读半年的颂莲(巩俐)被贪钱的母亲逼迫着嫁进陈家大院,成了老爷的第四房姨太。陈府有老规矩,姨太太们傍晚时分要站在自已的屋子前,等待下人送来的意味被老爷“临幸”的大红灯笼。 <br /> 起初因为“新人”身份,颂莲得到老爷最多宠幸,但也因此被其它三位姨太太尤其笑里藏刀的二姨太(曹翠芬)挤兑得叫苦不迭。因为涉世不深,生性反叛好强的颂莲急欲争一口气,使计又成老爷身边红人,不想计被看穿,终败于二姨太手下酿成悲剧。而三姨太(何赛飞)的经历虽与颂莲迥异,却也殊途同归逃不出宿命。
China in the 1920's. After her father's death, nineteen year old Songlian is forced to marry Chen Zuoqian, the lord of a powerful family. Fifty year old Chen has already three wives, each of them living in separate houses within the great castle. The competition between the wives is tough, as their master's attention carries power, status and privilege. Each night Chen must decide with which wife to spend the night and a red lantern is lit in front of the house of his choice. And each wife schemes and plots to make sure it's hers. However, things get out of hand...