温暖的尸体的剧情介绍,他(尼古拉斯·霍尔特 Nicholas Hoult 饰)是一只生活在末世的僵尸,依稀只记得自己的名字里有个“R”。与世俗观念不同,作为僵尸他能够思考,依旧残存着些许生前记忆。R生活在废弃的班机上,喜欢收集唱片和饰品,除了吃人外似乎与常人没有两样。这一日,R和僵尸好友们外出觅食,期间遭遇一伙从隔离区来到污染区搜寻药品的人类。在残忍吞噬青年佩里(戴夫·弗兰科 Dave Franco 饰)的大脑后,R拥有了对方的记忆,由此也对和佩里同行而来的女孩朱莉(泰莉莎·帕尔墨 Teresa Palmer 饰)产生恻隐与好感。他将女孩带回自己的住地,通过数日的相处渐渐取得对方的信任,而美丽的朱莉也让R找回作为人类久违的温暖和复杂情感…… <br /> 本片根据艾萨克·马里昂(Isaac Marion)的同名小说改编。
With much of the world's population now an undead horde, R is a young and oddly introspective zombie. While fighting with and feeding on a human scavenger party, R meets Julie and feels an urge to protect her. What happens next is the beginning of a strangely warm relationship that allows R to begin regaining his humanity. As this change spreads through the local undead population like a virus, Julie and R eventually have to face a larger issue when the very nature of their friendship is challenged. Caught between the paranoid human forces and the ferocious "Bonies", zombies who are a mutual threat, R and Julie must find a way to bridge the differences of each side to fight for a better world no one thought possible.
绝佳调味品。屌丝的逆袭。吃了你男友的脑浆爱上你。实在是短评写不下影评又写不够只有标题长长长。与其叫warm bodies不如叫hearbeat。背景音乐。最帅气的丧尸。吃了你ex的脑浆爱上你——一个文艺男僵尸的寻爱之旅。用僵尸变活人的bug来探讨电影的严肃程度和R的死亡时间。温暖的心。