29-year-old Leigh is on leave from her job in New York City after feeling a sense of emptiness and sadness in her life. Leigh has returned to her parents' home, to her high school job as a lifeguard and to her high school friends still in town. But Leigh continues to struggle in finding happiness since her parents don't approve and she's bullied by local kids at the pool. Leigh finds an almost like kindred spirit in high school student Little Jason; but when their friendship turns into an illicit relationship, her friends don't approve and even more tragedy awaits Leigh in her personal journey towards happiness.
Fuck it up and move on, it will just be fine.。青春是重酸性荷尔蒙。如何在迷失中找回自我。god!这部影片戳心窝子了!。不错的电影。时光列车只管前进,没有退路。请放下现实,至少是暂时的。。等待被救的你我。现代人的迷茫。混不下去回老家待会再回来。
29岁剩女和15岁男生的小镇故事,在中年危机的边缘吮吸青春的滋味——谁都想要回那段时光,可惜成年世界的法则处处提醒我们那是可耻的倒退。电影的苦闷感实在太重,就连结尾的反转也没有达到预期效果。不过David Lambert确实挺勾人的,(在Kristen Bell的憔悴反衬下)就像一枚鲜嫩的水果。