末代皇帝的剧情介绍,溥仪(尊龙 饰)的一生在电影中娓娓道来。他从三岁起登基,年幼的眼光中只有大臣身上的一只蝈蝈,江山在他心中只是一个不明所以的名词。长大了,他以为可以变革,却被太监一把火烧了朝廷账本。他以为自己是大清江山的主人,却做了日本人的傀儡。 <br /> 解放后,他坐上了从苏联回来的火车,身边是押送监视他的解放军。他猜测自己难逃一死,便躲在狭小的卫生间里,割脉自杀。然而他没有死在火车上,命运的嘲笑还在等着他。文革的风风雨雨,在他身上留下了斑斑伤痕。
This sweeping account of the life of Pu-Yi, the last emperor of China, follows the leader's tumultuous reign. After being captured by the Red Army as a war criminal in 1950, Pu-Yi recalls his childhood from prison. He remembers his lavish youth in the Forbidden City, where he was afforded every luxury but unfortunately sheltered from the outside world and complex political situation surrounding him. As revolution sweeps through China, the world Pu-Yi knew is dramatically upended.
末代皇帝:那要命的广角自然光。张五常的评论。我们也只是在门外张望。满宫残照,溥仪的前世今生。文化输出的正确姿势。对施特拉罗在《末代皇帝》中的色彩应用的探讨。交织事实与想象的历史隐喻。再看《末代皇帝》时注意到的十个细节。painful mostly。《末代皇帝》电影剧本。