美国颂歌的剧情介绍,肥胖邋遢的左翼导演迈克•马隆(Kevin P. Farley 饰)致力于揭露美国政治、军事、经济和医疗等方面的阴暗面,他所拍摄的纪录片更在国际上获奖(影射迈克•摩尔)。他为自己的成就沾沾自喜,美国国内也有一批狂热的粉丝对他疯狂追捧。有些飘飘然的马隆更提议取消7月4日的独立日,他甚至大张旗鼓搞起了宣传活动。 <br /> 这时候,三个美国历史上重要人物的鬼魂:肯尼迪(Chriss Anglin 饰)、华盛顿(Jon Voight 饰)和巴顿(Kelsey Grammer 饰)先后拜访了马隆。他们一次次将马隆带入假定的历史中,向其展示纵容绝对民主和恐怖主义可能产生的各种后果。曾经坚定的左翼分子终于开始动摇了……
At a July 4 barbecue, gramps tells the kids the story of Michael Malone, a documentary filmmaker and Michael Moore look-alike who hates America and wants to abolish July 4th. He refuses to celebrate with his nephew Josh, who's shipping out soon to the Middle East. That night, Michel has a vision of his hero, JFK, who predicts that three ghosts will visit Michael. Sure enough, General Patton, George Washington, and country music star Trace Adkins visit Michael show him the fruits of patriotism, just wars, and pacifism. Meanwhile, Arab terrorists want Malone to help them with a propaganda film. Is he the next Leni Riefenstahl or will he see the light?
嗨,伙计,这就是左派。没心没肺地狂笑一场,管它有多邪恶。"我只是比较喜欢抽你"。当反战成为一种时尚……。Being liberal, it's not sin to sympathize moderate conservatives。笑到最后和笑得最好。Douban的優點在於多爛的片子都有人願意洋洋灑灑的來憑吊。好莱坞右派冲击不力。