神奇海盗团的剧情介绍,19世纪,大不列颠帝国雄霸海上,维多利亚女王骄扬跋扈(伊梅尔达·斯汤顿 Imelda Staunton 配音),但是横行四海的海盗仍令她愤恨不已。这群不法之徒中,海盗船长(休·格兰特 Hugh Grant 配音)则显得有些寒酸,他手下跟着一帮老弱病残,每次打劫虽然斗志昂扬,却总是了无所得。这一天,他在血色之岛上受到了业内高手黑鬼贝拉(杰里米·皮文 Jeremy Piven 配音)和弯刀莉兹(萨尔玛·海耶克 Salma Hayek 配音)等人的嘲笑。为了证明实力,赢得年度海盗大奖,船长开始四处劫掠,结果意外结识了生物学家达尔文(大卫·田纳特 David Tennant 配音)。达尔文发现,船长的宠物竟然是早已灭绝的渡渡鸟。于是他花言巧语劝诱船长去伦敦参加年度科学家大赛,而船长也离他的海盗之路越来越远…… <br /> 本片为英国阿德曼公司首部3D粘土停格动画。
After years of humiliation and failed attempts to win the coveted Pirate of the Year Award, Pirate Captain and his oddball crew take on the cream of the pirating crop - Black Bellamy, Peg Leg Hastings and Cutlass Liz - in a race to pillage the most booty. They soon cross paths with lovelorn scientist Charles Darwin, who persuades the Captain that the crew's prized 'parrot', Polly, could be the answer to the 'untold riches' they are searching for. Their adventure takes them to Victorian London where they meet Darwin's sidekick 'man-panzee' Mister Bobo, and the notorious pirate-hating Queen Victoria herself. It soon unfolds that Darwin's motives for helping the crew are not what they seem, and the Queen has an evil hidden agenda of her own. The Pirate Captain must choose between basking in the glory of being crowned Pirate of the Year, or staying faithful to his trusted crew.
一个成功(?)雄性生物的背后还是一个雄性生物。呆萌船长和忠诚可靠的二当家。跟一个四处出戏的人谈论这部电影是不科学的。《神奇海盗团》:当海盗成为一种可爱的存在。假如Number 2是个妞。插科打诨,大笑一场。神奇海盗的神奇配音——国台配与原音对比浅析。有一个手下是女扮男装。火腿之夜的大冒险。相关影讯。
受不了Martin Freeman啦,真人还是声优都是可爱的背后男纸~~~粘土动画太可爱啦,笑点密集,并且恶搞了无数东西,比如泰坦尼克号,象人,什么的,哈哈哈
阿德曼这部长片已经只剩买萌可圈可点了,干瘪的故事很难支撑起以往灵魂的东西。“海盗船长”和“二把手”其实就是Wallace & Gromit的化身,阿高永远忠诚、任劳任怨无怨无悔死心塌地地跟着主人,这也是为什么阿德曼一直打动我的地方。