◎导演◎ Tod Williams
◎编剧◎ Michael R. Perry/Oren Peli
◎主演◎ Josh Bredehoft
灵动:鬼影实录2的剧情介绍,单身父亲丹尼尔·雷(布赖恩·波兰德 Brian Boland 饰)与美丽的克里斯蒂(Sprague Grayden 饰)结为夫妇,并育有可爱的孩子亨特(William Juan Prieto 饰),连同丹尼尔的女儿艾丽(Molly Ephraim 饰),一家四口过着幸福快乐的生活。2006年的某一天,他们的房子被人闯入,东西翻得乱七八糟,却几乎没有丢失任何东西。此后不久,丹尼尔请人在房子的不同角落安装了摄像头。夜深人静,万籁俱寂,摄像头却记录下一幕幕令人难以置信的画面。 <br /> 雷家的奇怪事件层出不穷,且愈演愈烈,连一向不迷信的丹尼尔也变得深为惶恐。最令他们担忧的是,一切似乎全部指向了那个刚刚1岁多的孩子——亨特。夜晚变得可怕而漫长……
Daniel Rey along with his wife, Kristi; daughter, Ali; toddler son, Hunter, and their dog, move to Carlsbad, California. A few days later their residence is broken into, however, nothing appears to be missing. In order to prevent re-occurrences, they install a number of security cameras that will record everything on a DVR. After they hire a Spanish-speaking nanny to look after Hunter, she informs them that there is something wrong in their house and performs prayers, much to the chagrin of Daniel, who lets her go. He will subsequently regret this decision as more inexplicable and strange incidents occur, with Ali concluding, after a research, that their house may be possessed by a demonic entity.
更大的房子 更多的生物 更直接的诡异 (详细剧透)- 参考第一部Paranormal Activity。结果到最后还是没有硬起来。这就是不科学!!!!。电影中第一次被吓到居然是那个游泳池净水器自己跳起来那里。《鬼影实录2》在三天之内狂卷4150万美元,荣登北美周末票房冠军——成为影史10月首映周票房最高的电影第五名。前戏毁了一切。DV与监控带来第一视觉和固定视觉的恐惧。还是把它当做一部纪录片来看吧。好困呀。我的收看簿:《灵动:鬼影实录2》。