DCS David Baker headed up the investigation into the brutal murders of two Leicestershire schoolgirls between 1983 and 1987. Only a few miles away, Dr Alec Jeffreys, was a scientist at Leicester University who, on 10 September 1984, invented a remarkable technique to read each individual's unique DNA fingerprint. When a local teenager admitted to one of the murders but not the other, Baker asked Jeffreys to analyze the DNA evidence left at the crime scenes. Both men were shocked to discover that the teenager was innocent, his confession false. DCS Baker then took the extraordinarily brave step to launch the world's first ever DNA manhunt, testing over five thousand local men to track down the killer.
《真凶密码》---压抑和压力。人类需要进步,我们需要信仰。法证科学的丰碑。致敬Sir Alec John Jeffreys。
生离死别感动不了我,无私牺牲感动不了我,爱恨情仇感动不了我,却每每是这样的普通人对自己工作近乎信仰般的平凡坚持和忠诚热爱让我产生落泪的冲动。我不感谢慈善家,却想感谢每一个同样为着一腔信念披荆斩棘矢志不渝的傻瓜。“Here I stand. I can do no other. ”
DNA的首次谋杀案应用 真实案件改编 低调 严谨
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