在劫难逃的剧情介绍,年轻人内森(泰勒·洛特纳 Taylor Lautner 饰)拥有一个看上去颇为完美的家庭,从小他生活在一个幸福的环境当中,不过自懂事起,内森总觉得自己过着形同虚设的生活,直到有一天他无意在失踪人口的网页里看到有人在寻找自己,盯着显示器里自己幼年的照片,内森才 明白自己朝夕相处的“双亲”,竟然另有特殊身份,内森这才明白原来20多年来,自己一直活在一个精心编织的谎言当中。 <br /> 内森准备查明真相,他清楚自己所谓的“父母”根本信不过,于是他只能将这一切告诉邻居凯伦(莉莉·柯林斯 Lily Collins 饰)。正当内森和凯伦想搞清楚这是怎么一回事时,却意外的遭遇了职业杀手的追杀,他的“父母”在自己的眼前被害,警察把他当成凶手来追捕,于是内森和凯伦只能开始了惊心动魄的逃亡生涯,而他也在逃亡当中,离真相越来越近……
High school seniors Nathan and Karen find a website with photos of children who are missing or believed abducted. One of the photos is of Nathan as a child, putting into question the identities of the couple whom he's always called Mom and Dad. Contacting the site to learn more only results in Nathan becoming the target of an intense, high-tech, international manhunt. Before his "parents" can explain themselves, they are executed by hired guns, and Nathan is on the run with Karen in tow (who just happened to be there at the wrong time). Phone use by either of them only connects directly to a man claiming to be C.I.A., in whom they find reasons not to trust. With encroaching shootouts, car chases, hand-to-hand combat and explosions around them, this seems quite much for a mere case of child abduction, and Nathan can only rely on the wrestling, boxing and martial arts skills taught by his "dad" to protect both himself and Karen as they follow a lead to find Martin, Nathan's biological father, who can likely shed light on what all this is about.
神马叫青春犯二 就是像这样被人投以鄙视的目光也要依然一屁股坐在影院里稳如泰山 又即便是被叫脑残也因我们有脑才能去变残的能力 就爱这样的连心眉白雪公主+狼王子的土鳖组合 摆姿态翘兰花指居高临下的人们 鄙视能有多强烈 我们的快乐也许就有多简单 简单到一种平淡无奇而又永无止境的快乐和幸福满足感