猎杀活死人的剧情介绍,偏远的巴克莱小镇是一个宁静祥和的所在,当地居民友爱和善,四处洋溢着幸福和快乐。蕾妮•卓别林(Felicity Mason 饰)是镇上一个美丽的女孩,不久前她刚刚继承长辈的遗产和农场,然而福祸双至,由于家族遗留的债务问题,刚刚到手的财产以及自幼生长的农场全被银行夺去。伤心的蕾妮决定和男友远离家乡,去到另一个城市生活。 <br /> 就在他们离开之际,天空突然坠下无数剧烈燃烧的陨石。不断有人被陨石击中,但随后他们便从地上爬起,变成了残暴无情、嗜血如命的活死人。蕾妮的男友也不例外,眼看要被男友杀死的蕾妮,关键时刻得到农夫马瑞恩(Mungo McKay 饰)的救助。她和其他几位幸存者必须想尽办法,逃出这个已被感染的死亡小镇……
Peaceful, rustic Berkeley is a charming fishing community where life is sweet and the people friendly. All that is about to change. After losing her childhood farm to the bank, local beauty Rene decides to leave town and head for the big city. Suddenly, an avalanche of meteorites races through the sky, bombarding the town and bringing an otherworldly infection. Departing is going to be much more difficult than she had planned. The living dead are awakened and Rene is now caught in a nightmare of zombies hungry for human flesh. She manages to find salvation in a small isolated farm house owned by the town loony, Marion. There she is met with four other desperate survivors. Together they battle their way through a plague of walking dead and discover that there is more transpiring than just an infection.
独树一帜的丧尸烂片。我是来剧透的,哈哈哈~~~。稍微吐槽+外星人真的是救世主?。这是一部我不知道该怎么评价的片子。猎杀活死人 Undead。治疗大雨。胡言乱语。