性愿清单的剧情介绍,来自爱达荷州的布兰迪(奥布瑞·普拉扎 Aubrey Plaza 饰)刚刚高中毕业,正准备升入大学,然而纯朴如她,对大学男女生之间的“互动”可谓毫无经验。在一次派对上,她初尝醉酒的滋味,并差点与心仪的男孩罗斯蒂(斯科特·波特 Scott Porter 饰)偷食禁果,然而她有些笨拙生硬的反应让罗斯蒂最终作罢。布兰迪开始为自己对性事的无知感到惭愧,为了不让自己输在起跑线上,能够顺利融入“声色犬马”的大学生活,布兰迪列出了一张详细的“学习清单”,决定在开学前全方位熟识性的方方面面,并把与罗斯蒂发生关系列入了这张“待办清单”中,紧接着,这位清纯少女推开性爱大门的体验课程开启了……
Brandy Klark (Aubrey Plaza) has just graduated from high school where she excelled in every subject, except real-life sexual education. When her older sister tells her how important it is to be experienced, Brandy writes out a sex to do list for herself for the summer. Her friend Cameron might be the perfect guinea pig while she sets her sights on the popular and sexy Rusty Waters as the ultimate end goal. But once feelings get in the way, it becomes much harder for Brandy to check off the remaining items on her sex to do list.
女权巅峰是高潮掌握在自己手中。男人们别颤抖了,喝杯菠萝汁吧。女版“美国派”——当sex也能温馨起来。年轻不需要三思。The To Do List的背后故事。